Directory of Waste Processing & Disposal Sites in Canada 2025


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(The product comes in hardcopy and in electronic formats which contains Acrobat, Excel and database versions and includes Arcview maps (shape files). Purchasers are entitled to one year of product updates through WBJ's website.)

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Accurate and up-to-date

The information in this book is not available anywhere else. Our researchers gather this data through direct telephone survey of owners and operators, saving you time and money. The data is up-to-date as facilities are surveyed regularly, larger ones every six weeks. Moreover, we compare the data with any that might be available from various state and federal regulatory agencies to give you the most comprehensive analysis possible.

Who can benefit from the Directory of Waste Processing & Disposal Sites in Canada?

  • Waste management and equipment companies concerned about their markets, their customers, their competitors and areas of potential growth.

  • Municipal governments need to assess and compare their own operations as well as to know what others are doing and to know their waste processing and disposal options into the future.

  • Financial institutions with a stake in the industry now have a tool for tracking and analyzing capacity, supply changes, capital investments and pricing.

  • Industry stakeholders who need to better understand this important and changing industry.

The directory comes in a variety of formats that you can use

The Directory of Waste Processing & Disposal Sites Canada comes in electronic format that contains Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel and database formats. It also contains Arcview shape files of each map layer. Purchasers are entitled to one year of product updates through WBJ's website.

View print and download search results, including acceptance volumes, pricing, contact information, operating capacity, and more.

Product Updates

Existing customers receive notice of updates as they become available and have the option to download them directly from the website or have them emailed or receive a USB drive in the mail.


Waste Business Journal's

Directory of Waste Processing & Disposal Sites in Canada 2025

Detailed profiles of nearly 2,500 waste processing and disposal operations.

Subscribers will have access to online updates for 12 months following the purchase date.

Book and Electronic package: $1,195.

TO ORDER call 619.793.5190 or: