Daughter of Waste Management Driver Wins American Idol

Date: May 22, 2013

Source: News Room

The daughter of a Waste Management Inc. driver won the nationwide singing title for Season 12 of the reality talent show American Idol. Candice Glover, 23, is the daughter of Waste Management employee John "Ricky" Glover, who resides in Hilton Head, SC. The young Glover said she is inspired by singers such as Christina Aguilera and Jazmine Sullivan. She became the first female singer in six years to win the American Idol title. She was cheered on by Waste Management's 44 thousand employees, and many others. The company started a Facebook page to support Glover throughout the competition.

See: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151812415543047.1073741825.75544373046&type=1.

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