West Virginia Commission Approves $19 Million Waste-to-Fuel Plant

Date: March 13, 2013

Source: News Room

West Virginia's Public Service Commission has approved a $19 million proposed waste-to-fuel facility to be built by Entsorga West Virginia LLC and located in Berkeley County. Entsorga is a subsidiary of Entsorgafin S.p.A of Tortona, Italy. Their mechanical-biological system involves a large rotary drum to tear apart incoming waste to aerate it and facilitate separating out large pieces of plastic, paper and cardboard before the remaining waste, including organic materials, would be "bio-stabilized," a form of rapid composting. It would be a debut of the technology in the US. Consequently, Entsorga is seeking a permit from West Virginia's Department of Environmental Protection to receive up to 7,333 tons of solid waste per month at the plant.

A copy of the application can be found here: www.psc.state.wv.us/scripts/orders/ViewDocument.cfm?CaseActivityID=360476&Source=Docket.

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