INEOS Completes Construction of Florida Waste-to-Fuel Biorefinery

Date: July 23, 2012

Source: INEOS New Plant Energy LLC

INEOS New Plant Energy LLC (Vero Beach, FL) has completed constructing its $130 million biorefinery in Indian River County, FL that will produce 8 million gallons per year of ethanol and generate 6 MW of renewable power from local organic and household wastes once it begins production later this year. The project, which received a $75 million loan guarantee from the US Department of Agriculture in January 2011, will be the first commercial-scale facility in the US that will make advanced biofuels using INEOS Bio's gasification and fermentation technology. It employs naturally existing bacteria to convert gases released directly from biomass (syngas) into bioethanol. INEOS New Planet BioEnergy is a joint venture between New Planet Energy and INEOS Bio.

See also: "INEOS Waste-to-Fuel Plant Gets $75 Million US Loan Guarantee," (, August 18, 2011.

See also: "INEOS New Planet Begins Constructing $130 million Waste-to-Fuel Facility in Florida," (, February 9, 2011.

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