Date: May 22, 2012
Source: Republic Services, Inc.
Republic Services (Phoenix, AZ) is investing $19 million to upgrade two of its St. Louis, MO area recycling facilities to single-stream. The facilities in North St. Louis County (Hazelwood) and South St. Louis County (Bella Villa) are being equipped with state-of-the-art automated sorting technologies that will triple recycling capacity to as much as 30 tons per hour. "The improvements we're making to our recycling centers in St. Louis allow us to meet current demand, and we're adding capacity to accommodate even more recycling in the future," said Tim Trost, area president, Republic Services.
May 22, 2012
Republic Services Investing Nearly $19 Million to Revolutionize Two St. Louis Recycling Centers
Renovations to Recycling Centers Will Create Jobs, Triple Processing Capacity and Simplify Recycling for Businesses and Residents
Republic Services (NYSE: RSG), a recycling and waste company that serves more than 200,000 households and 27,000 commercial and industrial accounts in the St. Louis region, is investing nearly $19 million to revolutionize its recycling centers in North St. Louis County (Hazelwood) and South St. Louis County (Bella Villa).
The enhancements to the recycling centers include the addition of state-of-the-art technology that will be the first-of-its-kind in Missouri. The new technology will make the sorting process more efficient, enabling Republic Services to triple its recycling capacity to as much as 30 tons per hour. This is the single largest recycling technology investment of its kind in Missouri history.
The company expects to hire up to 20 new local employees when the renovations are complete.
"The improvements we're making to our recycling centers in St. Louis allow us to meet current demand, and we're adding capacity to accommodate even more recycling in the future," said Tim Trost, area president, Republic Services. "We want St. Louis to rethink waste and shift the paradigm to focus first on recycling, and then send the material that remains to the landfill."
Republic Services is investing in a more sustainable St. Louis and challenging residents and businesses in the St. Louis region to increase the quantity of material they're recycling. According to Siemens' annual Green City Index in 2011, St. Louis recycles only 3 percent of its waste, compared with the 27-city index average of 26 percent. Based on Republic's experience in other communities, the Company believes the St. Louis region can recycle more.
"We believe that if residents simply add a designated recycling bin in their kitchen -- the place where most people decide whether to recycle an item or throw it away -- that the amount of material people would recycle would increase by at least 50 percent," Trost said. "It's all about creating a plan that works for your home. If you don't recycle, start; if you already do, recycle more. We can, and should, do more."
Recycling helps conserve landfill space and can have a significant economic impact, helping keep the cost of consumer goods down. Sorted recyclables from Republic Services are sent to manufacturers to use in new products, helping keep production costs down and consumer goods, like toilet paper, affordable.
"I think the investment is great for the overall quality of life in St. Louis County. In 2008 County Executive Dooley asked us to make sure every household had a single-stream recycling bin. That program is proving to be very successful over time," said Dr. Dolores J. Gunn, director, Saint Louis County Department of Health. "When homeowners were provided single stream recycling bins, the recycling rate in St. Louis County jumped 900 percent. That's 47,000 tons of garbage, or 49% of all waste, that is not going into landfills. We are making dramatic strides and I believe increasing recycling will only continue to improve the great quality of life we have here in our community."
Automated recycling is working for Alton too. Republic began pick-up service there April 2. The result was a 47 percent increase in recycling in the month of April 2012, compared to April 2011. That increase translates to more than 100 tons of recyclables collected from residents in the first month.
Republic Services' single-stream recycling service makes recycling easy. Customers use one bin to consolidate their recyclables -- including steel, aluminum, plastic and glass containers, as well as cardboard and paper -- for Republic Services to collect and process at its recycling centers.
Republic Services is the only total waste stream solutions provider in the St. Louis region, making managing waste easy by collecting and processing recyclables, compostable materials and trash. Nationally, Republic Services operates in 39 states and Puerto Rico.
About Republic Services
Republic Services is the only total waste stream solutions provider in the St. Louis area, making managing waste easy for customers by collecting and processing recyclables, compostable materials and trash. In the St. Louis area, Republic Services serves more than 200,000 households and more than 27,000 commercial and industrial accounts, with 313 trucks, 16 waste facilities and two recycling centers. For more information about Republic Services in the St. Louis region, visit
Republic Services, Inc. provides recycling and solid waste collection, transfer and disposal services in the United States and Puerto Rico. The Company's various operating units, including collection companies, transfer stations, recycling centers and landfills, are focused on providing reliable environmental services and solutions for commercial, industrial, municipal and residential customers. For more information, visit the Republic Services website at
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Bobby Jones
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