Hudson Baylor Opens $17 Million Recycling Plant near Poughkeepsie, NY

Date: December 1, 2011

Source: Hudson Baylor Corp.

Hudson Baylor Corp. (Newburgh, NY) is set to open a new $17-million, 56,000-square foot single-stream recycling facility in Beacon, NY, just south of Poughkeepsie. Once online in early January 2012, the plant will process about 20 tons per hour of mixed recyclables including glass, metals, plastic, paper and cardboard. The glass will be crushed into a fine powder, while the other materials will be compacted into bales weighing between 1,200 and 2,000 pounds. Hudson Baylor said it will pay haulers between $30 and $35 per ton for the recyclable materials which Chris Coady, director of marketing for the firm, said come from haulers in New Jersey, Connecticut, Vermont, and New York.

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