Republic Fires Number Two in Management Shakeup

Date: November 30, 2011

Source: Republic Services, Inc.

In an apparent management shakeup, Republic Services, Inc. (Phoenix, AZ) has terminated the employment of its number two executive Kevin Walbrige, executive vice president of operations, and eliminated the position. A Nov. 28 filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), indicates that his employment was terminated that day and that CEO Donald W. Slager "has assumed the responsibilities of the principal operating executive." Walbridge had been promoted to EVP of operations in Oct. 2010 as part of the transition surrounding former CEO James O'Connor's retirement. Walbridge moved to the corporate office to oversee operations replacing Mr. Slager who became chief executive officer. Company spokesman Will Flower said "I think Kevin's departure from the company was mutually agreed upon in which both the CEO and Kevin came to the realization that the best thing for the organization was if Kevin were to leave."

Walbridge previously served as our Senior Vice President of Midwestern Operations from December 2008 until then, and served as our Central Region Vice President from the time he joined us in 1997 through December 2008. Before joining Republic, he served as the Vice President Operations/Co-Owner of National Serv-All from 1996 to 1997, the President of Waste Management of Alameda County from 1993 to 1996, and the Division President of Empire Waste Management from 1985 to 1993.

November 30, 2011

Item 5.02.
Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers.

Republic Services, Inc. (the "Company") reports that the employment of Kevin C. Walbridge, Executive Vice President – Operations, terminated effective November 28, 2011, and that the Company has eliminated the position of EVP – Operations. The Company's Chief Executive Officer, Donald W. Slager, has assumed the responsibilities of the principal operating executive.

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