Ohio Landfill Wins Permit to Expand to 8,000 Tons per Day

Date: September 6, 2011

Source: Ohio EPA

A privately owned landfill in Ohio, which receives much of its waste via rail from the northeast, has received permission from the Ohio EPA to expand its daily intake of waste and its footprint. Ohio EPA granted Tunnel Hill Partners LP, whose landfill is about 60 miles east of Columbus, its final waste and water discharge permits allowing both lateral and vertical expansion of the 544-acre facility. The new permit allows it to expand its approved disposal area by 69 acres to 118 acres. The permit also increases the maximum daily intake from 5,000 tons to 8,000 tons. At that rate, the landfill would be full in 11.5 years without further expansion of the disposal area.

September 6, 2011

Ohio EPA Issues Final Solid Waste and Water Permits for Perry County Landfill

Ohio EPA has issued Tunnel Hill Partners LP a final solid waste permit and modification to its wastewater discharge permit. The final air permit was issued earlier this summer. The company requested the permits to expand the landfill at 2500 Township Road 205, Route 2 in New Lexington. The landfill spans Pike, Harrison and Clayton townships in Perry County.

Ohio EPA held a public hearing on May 11, 2011, and an information session on June 3, 2010, to explain the proposed expansion, answer questions and receive public comments. Before issuing the permits, Ohio EPA reviewed the technical aspects of the applications and determined that they met the requirements of state and federal clean air and water quality standards and solid waste rules.

The solid waste permit will allow a lateral and vertical expansion at the 544-acre facility. The lateral expansion will increase the approved disposal area by 69 acres. The vertical expansion authorizes new disposal capacity above the previously authorized 49-acre disposal area. This will bring the landfill's footprint to 118 acres. (Currently, the landfill's developed footprint is 11.7 acres, though it has been previously approved to occupy 49 acres.)

Additionally, the permit increases the authorized maximum daily waste receipt from 5,000 tons to 8,000 tons. If the landfill took in 8,000 tons of waste per day, it would take 11.5 years to fill. The landfill design includes a composite liner; leachate collection (the water that has come in contact with buried landfill wastes); surface water management; ground water monitoring; and final closure cap. The permit also requires 30 years of post-closure care and financial assurance for closure and post-closure care.

A draft modification to the landfill's wastewater discharge permit took effect on September 1, 2011. The modification was required since the surface area contributing storm water runoff to the sedimentation pond will change. Landfill leachate is not permitted to go to the sediment pond. The permit limits discharges of pollutants into Rush Creek.

In June, Ohio EPA issued the company a final air permit (wwwapp.epa.ohio.gov/dapc/permits_issued/483042.pdf) that establishes allowable emissions from unpaved roadways and parking areas, the municipal solid waste landfill and rail unloading areas based on an anticipated increase in the waste acceptance rate. The air permit also establishes requirements for landfill gas collection and control.

The permits and related materials are available for review at Ohio EPA's Southeast District Office (2195 Front Street, Logan, Ohio 43138) by first calling (740) 385-8501 or (800) 686-7330.

Issuance of the final solid waste permit and wastewater permit modification can be appealed to the Ohio Environmental Review Appeals Commission (ERAC) (www.erac.ohio.gov). Appeals generally must be filed within 30 days of issuing the final action; therefore, Ohio EPA recommends that anyone wishing to file an appeal contact ERAC online or at (614) 466-8950 for more information.

For more information, contact:
Erin Strouse, (614) 644-2160

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