Date: January 1, 2011
Source: News Room
A new law banning electronics from landfills in West Virginia goes into effect this week. The law (Senate Bill 398) which was passed during the 2010 legislative session prohibits the disposal of televisions, computers, and video display devices larger than four inches from any West Virginia landfill. Waste haulers are currently required to pick up televisions and computers under the Public Service Commission's Bulky Goods Rule (WV Code Rules §150-9.6.6). The recent law dovetails with an electronics recycling law passed in 2008 that requires manufacturers of consumer electronic devices to register with the state and pay into an Electronics Take-back Fund that pays for electronics recycling events.
West Virginia Landfill Ban on Electronics Slated to Begin January 1
As of January 1, 2011, televisions, computers and monitors are banned from disposal in West Virginia landfills. The National Center for Electronics Recycling has been working with other interested stakeholders in the state to help inform the public about the upcoming ban and what it means for households, businesses and government.
The National Center for Electronics Recycling (NCER) encourages all West Virginia consumers to be prepared for the upcoming January 1, 2011 landfill ban on electronics by looking for local and national recycling options. There are several opportunities for consumers in every part of the state, but many of them have been under-utilized due to lack of awareness. With electronics once again being a popular holiday gift item, there will undoubtedly be newly replaced devices that will be in need of recycling. Although it is never a good idea to waste valuable resources in electronics by placing them in the trash, households will be required to find appropriate recycling options for TVs, computers, and computers monitors in the new year as a result of the landfill ban.
The good news is that organizations like the NCER, county Solid Waste Authorities, as well as state agencies such as the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Solid Waste Management Board (SWMB) are collaborating to develop resources and programs to offer alternatives to illegal landfill disposal. The SWMB has developed a website at that provides resources on the landfill ban and recycling options for all affected parties. The NCER also maintains a listing of local and national recycling programs on its website
"The objective of keeping the hazardous materials contained in covered electronics out of landfills and conserving landfill space is admirable, but not without some challenges," says Carol Throckmorton of the West Virginia Solid Waste Management Board. "We are hoping to educate the public on alternatives to land-filling through the use of our newly developed website. The site lists upcoming electronic collection events around the state, a link to Earth 911, which allows consumers to enter their zip code and find the location of electronics recyclers in their communities as well as a link to the DEP's list of electronics manufactures and the programs they have developed for recycling the devices they manufacture."
NCER's Executive Director, Jason Linnell, has worked with Carol and her team at the SWMB to help educate the public about available options for electronics recycling in and around the state. "Our goal is to educate the public about the upcoming landfill ban and provide consumers with information on current options for recycling old electronics," says Linnell. "Many electronics contain materials of concern such as lead, cadmium and mercury and the new law will prevent them from entering our landfills as well as spur more recycling activity across the state. It's also important to remember that the more we recycle these items, the more valuable natural resources we conserve by eliminating the need to mine for new metals."
The landfill ban is a result of Senate Bill 398, which was passed into law during the 2010 legislative session. Senate Bill 398 prohibits the disposal of Covered Electronic Devices (CEDs) in any WV Landfill. CEDs are defined as televisions, laptop and desktop computers, and video display devices with screen sizes larger than four inches when measured diagonally, such as computer monitors. As of January 1, 2011 no one will be permitted to dispose of these items with their household waste. Waste haulers are currently required to pick up televisions and computers under the Public Service Commission's Bulky Goods Rule (WV Code Rules §150-9.6.6). Residents are advised to contact their local waste hauler to inquire about pickup of these items, or to consult the SWMB or NCER websites for proper handling of these items themselves.
In addition to the newly passed landfill ban, West Virginia also has a law, passed in 2008, that requires manufacturers of CEDs to register with the Department of Environmental Protection annually and pay a fee. These fees are then placed into an Electronics Take-back Fund, which then goes toward awarding grants to counties and municipalities around the state that want to hold electronics recycling events. The fee paid by manufacturers can be reduced when they implement an electronics take-back program, which has had a negative effect on the size of the Take-back Fund, as more and more manufacturers are electing to offer free recycling of their own branded items. Take-back programs must offer free recycling of a manufacturer's devices through mail-back, a collection event, or drop-off programs. However, according to Linnell, many of these manufacturer-provided take-back programs are under-utilized as only 11 of the 22 manufacturer programs available to West Virginia residents in 2009 received a single pound during the year.
"Our hope is that more and more counties and municipalities around the state will begin to apply for CED grants through the Department of Environmental Protection," says NCER Senior Manager, Heather Smith. "The CED grants are a great way to get funding to hold a one or two day e-cycling event in your area, which will increase the available options needed for these electronics that are no longer allowed to be placed in our landfills." See the WV-DEP's website at for information about this CED Grant Program.
NCER is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization based in Parkersburg. They have helped organize and execute more than twenty collection events around the state of West Virginia since 2006 and have helped to recycle almost 300 tons of electronic waste. They provide consulting to counties, municipalities and businesses in the state looking to hire reputable electronics recyclers to prevent the illegal export of electronics to developing countries. For additional information about the NCER and any of their projects call 304-699-1008 or visit
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