Hill Air Force Base to Develop Waste Processing and Recycling Facility

Date: November 5, 2010

Source: US Air Force

Officials with the US Air Force said that they are planning to develop a recycling and waste-handling facility on the Hill Air Force Base in Utah. Harry Briesmaster, 75th Civil Engineering Group director at Hill, said the Air Force Real Property Agency and Hill will soon begin negotiations with Ogden Hill Community Energy LLC to develop a state-of-the art recycling and waste-handling facility there that could ultimately process up to 120,000 tons of recyclables and 200,000 tons of municipal solid waste per year. The facility is but a part of a much larger $1.5 billion so-called enhanced-use lease (EUL) redevelopment at Hill AFB, which is the largest such project in the history of the Air Force. Work began this week on the project that is a public-private venture and will be built on 550 acres.

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