Energy Answers to Break Ground on Waste-to-Energy Plant and Eco-Park in Maryland

Date: October 18, 2010

Source: Energy Answers International

Energy Answers International Set to Begin Construction on Fairfield Renewable Energy Power Plant at FMC Site in Maryland

Energy Answers International hosted a kick-off ceremony for its state-of-the-art Fairfield Renewable Energy Project with support from Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, as well as representatives of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and community and business leaders.

As the first step in Energy Answers' development of an Eco-Industrial Park, the Renewable Energy Power Plant will return a "brownfield" site to productive reuse and create renewable energy for the region while recovering valuable materials for commercial reuse. Having received all major permits and approvals, construction of the power plant is expected to begin in December 2010, with completion and commencement of commercial operations by December 2013.

The facility will be constructed at the industrial-zoned, former FMC Corporation agricultural chemicals plant site on the Fairfield Peninsula (1701 East Patapsco Avenue). FMC will remain as the owner of the property, and will continue to handle monitoring and remediation at the brownfield site.

Through the use of a patented, proven and award-winning Resource Recovery technology, the new facility will utilize processed materials derived from the municipal waste stream as its primary fuel source. Processed Refuse Fuel (PRF) will be produced from post-recycling, municipal, commercial and light industrial waste streams and will be processed at multiple off-site Fuel Production and Advanced Recycling Facilities.

In addition to its restorative energy plan, the Energy Answers project will also have a big economic and fiscal impact for the region. During the three year peak construction period, the project will create 400 new construction jobs. Once the plant begins operations, the facility will provide 180 permanent "green collar" jobs, with indirect jobs adding an additional 600 positions statewide. A Letter of Intent has been signed with the United Steel Workers for the representation of the power plant's operators. Compensation through direct and indirect jobs will inject $20 million dollars into local communities, $23 million dollars into the City, and $30 million dollars into the State each year.

Sustainable Energy Solution

Expected to increase regional recycling rates while generating energy from renewable and alternative fuels, the project will also reduce the use of area landfills, providing a dual eco-friendly solution. In addition to the generation of steam and electricity, the Fairfield facility will recover ferrous and non-ferrous metals from the combustion residue for recycling and produce Boiler Aggregate™ for use in concrete products and other construction materials.

The 140 MW combined heat and power plant is designed to provide wholesale energy to help meet regional demands, as well as reduced price retail energy as an attraction for energy intensive industries to co-locate at an Eco-Industrial Park to be developed on the 90-acre site.

The power plant will generate its own power for internal use and will not require any power from the grid. In addition, the rooftops of the primary operations and support buildings will incorporate state-of-the-art solar membrane technology to provide additional power and will qualify for the City of Baltimore's Gold LEED Certification.

Power Sales Agreements

Energy Answers expects that multiple power sales agreements will be secured with Maryland public entities and that communities committing waste to the Fuel Production and Advanced Recycling Facilities will be given a preference to purchase renewable energy.

In response to a RFP issued by the Baltimore Regional Cooperative Purchasing Committee (BRCPC), Energy Answers proposed to sell 25MW of energy with an option for BRCPC and its members to purchase an additional 100MW of renewable energy. The Fairfield Renewable Energy Project was selected as the preferred provider, and sales of renewable energy to Baltimore City can also be satisfied through the BRCPC contract. Additional renewable sales can be requested through an agreement with the Maryland Department of General Services.

Off-site Solid Waste Handling

The processed fuel for use at the renewable energy power plant will be produced at existing permitted solid waste management sites in and around Maryland, but remote from the power plant site. No solid waste, unprocessed waste, or hazardous materials will be received at the power plant site, and all fuel will be delivered in enclosed vehicles.

Environmental Controls

Energy Answers has proposed the lowest emission limits in the United States for this type of facility. The Fairfield Power Plant will have the lowest mercury emission limits in the entire country for this type of facility. A new mercury limit of 17ug (down from 28ug) will allow the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to eventually lower mercury emissions of other Maryland facilities, and gain an estimated net 150 lbs mercury reduction state-wide, not considering the 2-3,000 pounds of mercury being removed from landfills each year. Lower emission limits will also be set for: PM, PM10, PM2.5, NOx, SO2, and Lead. All other pollutants match the lowest applicable national standards.

FMC will continue to pump and treat groundwater from the site to prevent its migration into Curtis Bay. Further, FMC will implement the Corrective Measures Plan for the site that was recently issued by the EPA Region 3.

About Energy Answers International

Energy Answers was formed in 1981 with a defined mission to develop integrated solid waste management solutions with environmentally sound resource recovery technologies. Our philosophy and commitment is to reach "zero disposal" by effectively recovering all the resources in the materials now seen as "waste". We envision our resource recovery approach as the foundation for sustainable development, where the demands placed upon the environment by people and commerce can be met without reducing the capacity of the environment to provide for future generations. For more, visit:

About FMC Corporation

FMC Corporation is a diversified chemical company serving agricultural, industrial and consumer markets globally for more than a century with innovative solutions, applications and quality products. The company employs approximately 4,800 people throughout the world. The company operates its businesses in three segments: Agricultural Products, Specialty Chemicals and Industrial Chemicals. For more information, visit

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