Greenstar to Offer Single-Stream Recycling in Houston

Date: September 16, 2010

Source: Greenstar North America

Greenstar North America (Houston, TX) is rolling out single-stream recycling services in Houston. The recycling company reports that through its single stream program, other Texas cities have seen a significant increase in their collection levels, including Dallas, with a 300 percent increase in collection; San Antonio, increasing its collection level by 200 percent; and Austin, which reported a 75 percent increase in recyclables collected. To allow for single-stream recycling, which can accept comingled recyclable materials, Greenstar will upgrade its existing Houston facility with new technologies to automate the sorting process. That work is expected to be done by November this year. "Greenstar is investing in Houston because the demand is here," said Matt Delnick, CEO of Greenstar North American, in a statement. "The people of Houston want to make the right choice and recycle. Now we will be able to recycle with convenience in Houston while reducing the cost of disposal and preserving our environment."

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