Waste Management and Linde to Develop another Landfill LNG Facility

Date: August 17, 2010

Source: News Room

Waste Management and Linde are developing their second landfill gas-based facility for fueling natural gas vehicles, applying $11 million in California Energy Commission money to develop a state-of-the-art liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility at Waste Management's Simi Valley Landfill, between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. According to Linde's Bryan Luftglass, speaking at Wastecon in Boston last week, said the new unit will follow on the two firms' $15.5 million LNG project at the Altamont Landfill east of San Francisco, that opened in November last year.

Linde North America is a member of The Linde Group, one of the world's leading gas and engineering companies; Waste Management is North America's largest waste management company.

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