Ohio's Apex Environmental Wins Big Expansion

Date: January 5, 2010

Source: Environmental Logistics Services, Inc.

Environmental Logistics Services Receives Permit To Expand Apex Landfill From Ohio EPA

Environmental Logistics Services, Inc. (ELS) received final permit approvals from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on December 31, 2009 for expansion of their Apex Landfill located in eastern Ohio near the borders of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The expansion will increase the vertical capacity of the landfill while extending the site life of the solid waste management facility for several years. Additional daily tonnage limits will be lifted to 7,500 tons per day from a current 5,250 tons per day while volumes of construction and demolition waste delivered to the site will not count towards daily permit limits.

Senior management from Liberty Waste Services, Anthony and Darren Rizzo, teamed with Centre Environmental Partners two years ago to acquire Liberty Waste Services, LLC and have continued to show progress in assimilating and creating value in the asset base both through the expansion of the Apex Landfill and through increased transfer operations. "Our management is excited about this opportunity to continue to build a sustainable, green industry in the northeast region while providing solid waste management services to our many clients both locally and out of state," said Anthony Rizzo of the company. "Along with its high, operational standards and the positive fiscal impacts on the local economy, we also appreciate the support that the Apex Landfill has received from the community, including business leaders, emergency service groups, and charitable organizations."

The strong management team has pursued an aggressive strategy of vertical integration using several transfer stations acquired in the New Jersey and New York Metropolitan market to feed their Ohio Landfill in Ohio. Currently, the landfill receives most of its waste by rail after management made a significant capital investment to shift their operation from long haul trucking to a rail operation that has delivered competitive advantages and environmental benefits including reduced greenhouse gases and decreased traffic congestion in one of the busiest regions of the country.

ELS is currently engineering and will shortly submit plans to build a green energy power plant at the site that will use methane gas from the landfill to create renewable power for 16,500 homes locally. Apex Landfill has committed to building an environmental education center at their site that will be attached to the green energy project and has teamed with the local Edison School District to educate students and other members of the community about green energy, wetlands, recycling, waste management, alternative energy, environmental protection and environmental monitoring. The initial objective of the educational outreach will be to both enhance the curriculums of local schools science classes and building on this knowledge by giving students hands-on field experience that will complement classroom studies.

ELS is a member of the nationally renowned Wildlife Habitat Council and manages outreach programs in collaboration with several state and local organizations to expand their habitat protection and restoration projects locally. The company expects its site to be certified by the Wildlife Habitat Council later this year.
About Environmental Logistics, Inc.

Environmental Logistics Services, Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive and environmentally superior waste transport and disposal services in the Northeast. The company has tailored its approach to meet the needs of each customer group and to ensure consistent, superior service. The company improved its transportation efficiencies while reducing greenhouse gases by creating a network that relies primarily on rail between their facilities in the northeast and their landfill in Ohio.

For more information, contact:
Ross M. Patten
Cell: (832) 656.0769

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