IST Energy Announces Compact System to Convert Waste to Clean Energy

Date: January 19, 2009

Source: IST Energy

IST Energy Announces Waste-to-Energy System That Turns Trash into Clean Energy
Compact, On-Site System Eliminates 95 Percent of Daily Consumer Waste, Producing Fuel Pellets for Clean Energy

IST Energy today announced the launch of its new GEM waste-to-energy conversion system, which affordably creates clean energy from post-consumer waste. The GEM is the first compact and mobile waste-to-energy system, making it ideally suited for on-site installation at any location producing at least two tons of trash daily. Customer demonstrations are currently being scheduled and initial deliveries are planned for this summer.

In addition to eliminating 95 percent of daily consumer waste, such as paper, plastic, food, wood and agricultural materials, the GEM doubles as a clean energy producer. Through a patent-pending process, the system converts everyday trash into small pellets that are, in turn, converted into electricity and gas heat.

"The GEM is the right product at the right time," said Stu Haber, president and CEO of IST Energy. "The GEM has created a value for every bag of trash we generate - first by eliminating the need for disposal and then by converting it into energy. This model can save businesses, institutions and municipalities hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Never have sustainability and environmental stewardship been more of a focal point for Americans, especially considering President Obama's goals for energy independence."

By enabling on-site trash elimination, the GEM reduces the financial and environmental burdens of trash removal. One unit processes up to three tons of waste daily, providing the energy to power and heat a 200,000 square foot building housing more than 500 people – all in all reducing annual waste disposal and energy costs by about $250,000. Venues that are ideal for use include universities, hospitals, malls, resorts, amusement parks, arenas, stadiums, large apartment complexes, office buildings and industrial plants, as well as city and town transfer stations.

In addition to providing financial savings, the GEM is eco-friendly and carbon negative, significantly diminishing greenhouse gases by 540 tons annually. The GEM also powers itself with the clean energy it produces, supplying users with a self-sustaining alternative energy source.

The compact system is eight feet high and covers about the size of three standard parking spaces. The GEM is presently being demonstrated to potential customers at the Boston-area headquarters of Infoscitex Corporation, IST Energy's parent company.

"This country produces an abundance of trash and requires an endless stream of energy, making the GEM ideal for many uses. For example, this past New Year's Eve celebration in Times Square produced 40 tons of trash. Next year, the GEM could be placed on site and convert the celebration's trash into energy, enabling a cost-efficient and environmentally-friendly alternative," said Haber.

About IST Energy Corp. and the GEM

IST Energy Corporation's mission is to provide customers with environmentally-beneficial and economically-attractive solutions to energy and environmental needs. The company strives to deliver practical solutions that provide a quick payback and are available today. IST Energy's flagship product, the GEM, is a waste-to-energy conversion system enabling organizations to generate energy from waste on site. This facilitates highly efficient clean energy production and reduced greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.

IST Energy Corporation is a subsidiary of Infoscitex Corporation (IST). Founded in 2000, IST is a research, development and engineering company providing technology solutions and services for defense, aerospace, security, life science and energy and environment customers. IST has an established record of developing technologies from concept to reality and delivering high-value technology solutions.

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