NSWMA Fights Ohio Counties' Rule to Ban Outside Waste

Date: September 10, 2008

Source: News Room

Attorneys for the National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA) are arguing before the 5th District Court of Appeals over a controversial rule by Stark, Tuscarawas and Wayne counties in Ohio to ban waste shipments from outside counties. Only counties that recycle as much or more than the three-county district would be allowed to use landfills there, including two of the largest in the state (one of which is Republic's Countywide Landfill). This means trouble for nearby Summit and Cuyahoga Counties which have less capacity and lower rates of recycling by virtue of their higher industrial mix. As a result, Summit and Cuyahoga counties filed briefs with the court supporting the NSWMA. The NSWMA attorneys argue that the provision is illegal because expired in 2006 when it was superseded by a new plan imposed at the state level by the Ohio EPA.

See also: www.wasteinfo.com/news/wbj20071226B.htm.

Stark-Tuscarawas-Wayne Joint Solid Waste Management District: www.timetorecycle.org.

National Solid Waste management Association: www.nswma.org.

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