Pennsylvania's Blue Ridge Landfill Gets to Increase Daily Intake

Date: June 6, 2008

Source: Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection

DEP Approves Permit Modification By Blue Ridge Landfill

The Department of Environmental Protection has approved a permit modification for the Blue Ridge Landfill Corp. in Greene Township, Franklin County, to increase its quarterly average daily volume of trash to from 1,450 tons to 1,700 tons.

After reviewing the landfill's permit application, DEP determined that the expansion would have minimal impact to the environment and cause only slight increases in truck traffic. The average daily volume increase of 250 tons will mean an additional seven trucks a day.

The maximum daily volume will remain at 2,000 tons per day.

DEP held a public hearing on April 15 to receive input from the community. No testimony was presented against approving the application. One resident expressed concern about litter and speeding trash trucks, which were addressed by the landfill's transportation compliance officer.

Expanding the quarterly average daily volume will result in increased host fee revenue for Greene Township and additional payments to some neighboring homeowners. The landfill will also provide drop-off waste disposal tickets for local residents and financial support for area roadside cleanups.

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