Florida Power & Light Signs Deal to Develop 5.25 MW Landfill Gas-to-Energy Project

Date: January 29, 2008

Source: Florida Public Service Commission

Florida Public Service Commission Approves FPL/Manatee Renewable Energy Contract

Florida's Public Service Commission (PSC) today approved a contract between Florida Power & Light (FPL) and Manatee Green Power, LLC (Manatee) for the purchase of firm capacity and energy.

The new renewable energy facility will produce electricity using landfill gas, which is largely methane, as fuel. The facility will reduce the need to burn waste gases that result from decomposing landfill materials. Manatee will install and operate the generating plant near the Lena Road Landfill located in Manatee County, Florida.

Manatee should begin delivering firm capacity of 5.25 MW beginning in January 2009, with the contract term extending through January 1, 2024. The facility is expected to serve approximately 1,837 homes, based on summer peak demand averages.

"Renewable energy projects, like this one, play an important role in achieving a more diverse generation mix within the state," said PSC Chairman Matthew M. Carter II. "This helps meet Florida's growing energy demand, while preserving the environment and reducing Florida's dependence on natural gas and foreign oil."

The PSC is committed to making sure that Florida's consumers receive their electric, natural gas, telephone, water, and wastewater services in a safe, affordable, and reliable manner. The PSC exercises regulatory authority over utilities in the areas of rate base/economic regulation; competitive market oversight; and monitors safety, reliability, and service.

For additional information, call 850-413-6482 or visit www.floridapsc.com.

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