Concord Regional Waste Co-op to Build $11 Million Recycling Facility

Date: January 25, 2008

Source: News Room

To help avoid rising tipping fees at the Wheelabrator-operated waste-to-energy plant in Penacook, NH, the Concord Regional Solid Waste/Resource Recovery Cooperative, comprised of 27 towns, is seeking to build an $11 million "single stream" recycling facility. Driving the move are tipping fees at the burn plant which are slated to increase from $43 per ton currently to between $55 and $65 per ton next year. The co-op is looking at five different sites along the Interstate 93 corridor to build the proposed 60,000-square-foot plant. However, the economic feasibility of such a project dictates a minimum annual intake of 15 to 20 thousand tons of recyclables which means that the co-op will have to seek outside sources to make up the shortfall from the 10 thousand tons the co-op generates currently.

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