Republic Proposes More Aggressive Measures for Countywide Landfill

Date: November 30, 2007

Source: News Room

Republic Services, which has faced withering problems at its Countywide Landfill including larger than-expected expenses and a threat to rescind its operating license by the county health department, has proposed more aggressive measures to staunch the purported underground fires there. A new plan, which has not yet been approved by the OhioEPA, involves the excavation of 385 thousand cubic yards of buried waste to create a firebreak. Furthermore, they will have to move quickly to minimize odors. Performing a winter operation would help too. A new barrier would be created between the old 88-acre site and the 170-acre expansion.

The project, called an isolation break, was designed for Republic Services by SCS Engineers in a 32-page report. For more on the report and project, visit:

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