Concern Over California's Approach to Landfill Post-Closure Costs

Date: November 16, 2007

Source: News Room

Environmentalists and waste industry officials differ on how California should revise its rules regarding the closure and post-closure maintenance of landfills. A recent study conducted for the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) has galvanized stakeholders. A key sticking point is over to what extent landfill operators must demonstrate financial assurance and what to do after 30 years beyond landfill closure, which is not addressed under current law. Environmentalists have taken issue with the financial means test and claim that current assurances only cover a fraction of post-closure maintenance. They would like to see the creation of an independent, perpetual care fund to cover these costs and paid for by a per-ton assessment on landfilled waste. Meanwhile, waste management companies, including Allied Waste Industries, Norcal Waste Systems, and Waste Management claim that the study has "has not been a deliberative process." California's actions could ultimately affect how other states revise their own rules.

To learn more about the study and to read a draft report, visit:

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