Senate Panel Passes Amendment to Regulate Rail Waste Sites

Date: July 13, 2007

Source: Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg

Senate Panel Passes Lautenberg Amendment To Allow States To Regulate Rail Solid Waste Sites

The Senate Appropriations Committee yesterday approved an amendment sponsored by Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) that directs the Surface Transportation Board to stop preventing states and localities from regulating rail solid waste processing activities for Fiscal Year 2008. On Tuesday, the Board had issued a ruling preventing states from regulating such solid waste processing activities at a proposed rail site.

"States must be given the authority to regulate rail solid waste sites. We need to ensure that the public is protected from the hazards these sites pose to human health and safety. This measure will protect our communities from unregulated waste sites while we work to pass a permanent law granting states the rights to regulate these activities," said Sen. Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ).

Sen. Lautenberg is a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee. The amendment was adopted unanimously at a meeting Thursday afternoon.

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