Amex Environmental Services Index up 15.78% Through June

Date: July 5, 2007

Source: Van Eck Global

Amex Environmental Services Index up 15.78% Through June

The Amex Environmental Services Index (AXENV) rose 1.98 percent in June and gained 15.78 percent for the six months ending June 30, 2007.* AXENV is a modified equal-dollar-weighted index that is comprised of publicly traded companies involved in waste management and related activities. These companies offer a full range of environmental services to residential, industrial, municipal and commercial customers; such services include waste collection and disposal, hazardous waste services, recycling, remediation and environmental clean-up services, wastewater management and environmental consulting.

As of June 30, 2007, AXENV included 24 securities. AXENV is rebalanced quarterly. The next rebalancing will occur on September 27, 2007.

The Market Vectors – Environmental Services ETF (Amex: EVX) is an exchange-traded fund that seeks to replicate, as closely as possible, before fees and expenses, the price and yield performance of AXENV. EVX generally holds all of the securities that comprise AXENV in proportion to their weighting in AXENV.

Options on EVX are listed on the Amex.

  • Past performance does not guarantee future results. AXENV's return does not represent the performance of any fund. AXENV charges no fees, including management fees or brokerage expenses, and no such fees or expenses were deducted from the performance shown. Investors cannot invest directly in AXENV.

Please call 1.888.MKT.VCTR or visit for the most recent month-end performance of EVX. This information will be available no later than seven business days after the most recent month end.

About Exchange-Traded Funds

ETFs are passively managed baskets of securities that trade in a manner similar to stocks. They have grown in popularity as investment tools because of their relatively low expense ratios and the tax efficiency they offer compared to most mutual funds. Investors can buy and sell ETFs intra-day and they can hold them both long and short, offering the opportunity to prosper from both bear and bull markets. However, ETF shares are not individually redeemable and may only be purchased from or tendered for redemption to an ETF by an authorized person in large aggregations called "creation units."

About the American Stock Exchange

The American Stock Exchange® (Amex®) offers trading across a full range of equities, options and exchange traded funds (ETFs), including structured products and HOLDRSSM. In addition to its role as a national equities market, the Amex is the pioneer of the ETF, responsible for bringing the first domestic product to market in 1993. Leading the industry in ETF listings, the Amex lists 332 ETFs to date. The Amex is also one of the largest options exchanges in the U.S., trading options on broad-based and sector indexes as well as domestic and foreign stocks. For more information, please visit

About Van Eck Global

Founded in 1955, Van Eck Associates Corporation was among the first U.S. money managers helping investors achieve greater diversification through global investing. Today the firm continues the 50+ year tradition by offering global investment choices in hard assets, emerging markets, precious metals including gold, and other specialized asset classes.

Van Eck Associates Corporation mutual funds are sold nationwide through retail brokers, financial planners and investment advisors. Designed for investors seeking innovative choices for portfolio diversification, they are often categorized in asset classes having returns with low correlations to those of more traditional U.S. equity and fixed income investments.

Van Eck Associates Corporation also offers exchange-traded funds, separate accounts and alternative investments. In addition, it offers the Worldwide Insurance Trust Funds, a series of investment choices within the variable annuity contracts and variable life policies of widely known and highly regarded insurers.

About the Amex Environmental Services Index (AXENV)

AXENV is a modified equal-dollar-weighted index comprised of common stocks or ADRs of publicly traded companies that engage in business activities that may benefit from the global increase in demand for consumer waste disposal, removal and storage of industrial by-products and related environmental services, including waste collection, transfer and disposal services, recycling services, soil remediation, wastewater management and environmental consulting services. As of June 30, 2007, AXENV included 24 securities. The Amex launched AXENV on September 29, 2006.

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