Allied Donates Ill-fated Elsmere Canyon to Conservation Authority

Date: March 2, 2007

Source: News Room

Culminating two decades of fighting and political games of cat and mouse, Allied Waste, parent company of waste giant Browning-Ferris Industries, will finally be able to donate 400 acres of Elsmere Canyon, once considered for a landfill, to the Mountains and Recreation Conservation Authority. The donated land will be preserved as open space. At one point back in 1995, when Browning-Ferris acquired the land from BKK Corp., many thought it was a ruse to force the City to approve the expansion of nearby Sunshine Canyon. Later, BFI offered to give the land to the City of Santa Clarita in exchange for a lucrative franchise agreement worth an estimated $12 million. As it was, US Rep. Howard P. "Buck" McKeon (R-Santa Clarita) effectively dismantled the land exchange with the US Forest Service that was necessary for the Elsmere development.

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