EPA to Move PCB Program to Office of Solid Waste

Date: February 26, 2007

Source: US EPA

EPA is transferring the management of the PCB cleanup and disposal program to the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER), from its current location in the Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (OPPTS). The transfer is expected to be effective as of October 1, 2007.

Why is EPA making this transfer?

EPA is transferring the management of the PCB cleanup and disposal program to the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (OSWER), with an expected effective date of October 1, 2007. OSWER is the office within EPA that manages most cleanup and disposal activities. The transfer will group together similar activities in one office. This will:

  • lead to greater overall efficiencies in EPA cleanup and disposal activities
    * result in a more efficient use of EPA resources
    * be a natural fit with EPA's One Cleanup program

How is the transfer to OSWER happening?

EPA will publish a procedural rule to move the management of the PCB cleanup program. The procedural rule will have an expected effective date of October 1, 2007. In addition, please note:

OSWER will implement the TSCA PCB regulations as they currently exist
There will be no changes to the PCB regulations immediately before or after the transfer
Any future changes to the PCB regulations likely would not occur until after 2008
The management of PCB cleanup and disposal under TSCA will continue to be a federally implemented program and will not be delegated to the states
What PCB activities will remain in OPPTS?

OPPT will continue to manage the currrent authorized uses of PCBs.

OPPTS will work closely with OSWER and EPA's regional offices during 2007 to ensure a smooth transfer of the PCB program's regulatory history and current projects. Updates and information will be posted as they become available.
Who can I contact for more information?

OPPTS Contact: Sara McGurk (mcgurk.sara@epa.gov) - 202-566-0480

OSWER Contact: Vernon Myers (myers.vernon@epa.gov) - 703-308-8660

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