Sen. Boxer Criticizes EPA Intention to Relax Rules on Air Toxics

Date: December 21, 2006

Source: U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer

U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), the incoming chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, made the following statement about EPA's proposal to allow certain sources to increase harmful emissions of air toxics. EPA's own regional offices warned that this proposal would be "detrimental to the environment and undermine the intent" of the Clean Air Act. EPA's response is that "negative publicity" would prevent such effects from happening. Senator Boxer's statement follows:

"The EPA has given the American people yet another unwanted Christmas gift that will only worsen the health of our families. I am dismayed that EPA today proposed to relax its rules for toxic air pollutants. We need less, not more, cancer-causing air pollution. This proposal will allow thousands more pounds of cancer-causing air pollution to be emitted each year. People living near refineries, hazardous waste incinerators and chemical plants will be forced to breathe more toxic air pollution. I have said that the days of rollbacks without scrutiny are over, and I meant it. We will closely examine this issue when the new Congress convenes."

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