Nuclear Waste Management is a High Priority for Energy Department and Power Industry

Date: December 8, 2006

Source: News Room

Management of nuclear waste is high on the list for both the Energy Department and the nuclear power industry. Incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will do what he can to keep any legislation that would help Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository off the Senate floor. DOE officials pledge to keep pressing for the Yucca Mountain repository, particularly for the department's effort to submit its license application in mid-2008 for an anticipated 2017 or 2020 opening. Many industry observers say the license application should be the sole focus for DOE, because once it is submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, it puts the matter out of political hands and into the regulatory arena, and Reid cannot get to the program once it is there. Interim storage is still an issue. DOE officials and the nuclear industry appear to be linking interim storage to the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership fuel reprocessing and recycling program, with 11 potential sites in eight states. If this solution does not completely solve the interim problem, industry officials have suggested using volunteer sites.

Department of Energy:
Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada:

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