Air Force and Boeing Company team use recycled laser fuel to test fire laser

Date: October 6, 2006

Source: Air Force Print News

The world's first firing of a laser using recycled fuel was conducted at the Air Force Research Laboratory's Directed Energy Directorate recently by an Air Force and Boeing Company team.

During the test, conducted at the directorate's Davis Advanced Laser Facility, a chemical laser was supplied with basic hydrogen peroxide and chlorine regenerated from waste products from prior laser operations. The regenerated fuels were produced in miniaturized electrochemical reactions that were specifically designed to collect the waste products of laser operations and convert them to fresh fuel.

Testers fired the laser at high power, on the order of several kilowatts, proving its performance.

"This fuel recycling process can be continued indefinitely, providing a practical way to fuel laser weapons for the Air Force and other military services without the complexity and cost of periodically supplying new fuel to the battlefield, said Jason Marshall, research chemist and Air Force project officer on the program.

"This removes the need to dispose of used fuel," he said. "With the test's successful conclusion, the laser is ready for affordable, low-risk weapons applications that meet warfighter needs. It will substantially improve war fighting logistics."

The chemical laser used in this demonstration is a test-bed similar to the laser device that was designed for the advanced tactical laser, a Department of Defense technology project. It involves an Air Force C-130 Hercules that will carry the laser, which is intended to destroy, damage or disable ground targets with surgical precision, causing little-to-no collateral damage.

The Boeing Company, Directed Energy Systems (formerly the Laser & Electro Optical Systems business segment) of Canoga Park, Calif. is the prime contractor for the Advanced Tactical Laser. The Air Force's Directed Energy Directorate, is providing Boeing with technical expertise and support on the project.

Working through a cooperative research and development agreement, the directorate is also working with Boeing to develop advanced technologies that are intended to improve the aircraft's laser for the next-generation, directed-energy tactical weapon systems.

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