Domenici Introduces Bill to Speed Development of Yucca Mountain Repository

Date: September 27, 2006

Source: News Room

The following information was released by the office of New Mexico Senator Pete V. Domenici:

Senate Energy & Natural Resources Chairman Pete V. Domenici today introduced the Nuclear Waste Acceleration to Yucca bill, NU-WAY.

The bill puts the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository back on track by authorizing the land withdrawal and the construction of infrastructure needed at the repository.

The bill, cosponsored by Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, also authorizes DOE to begin moving defense fuel to an above-ground storage facility at the repository within the Nevada Test Site as soon as NRC issues a license for the storage facility.

The bill requires DOE to submit a license application for the storage facility at the same time it submits the license application for Yucca. DOE has said it expects to submit the Yucca license application in June 2008.

The NRC could grant the license for the above-ground storage facility 18 months later. Under the Domenici bill, defense fuel could be consolidated at the above-ground site at the repository as early as 2010.

NU-WAY also authorizes DOE to begin moving civilian spent fuel to the above-ground storage site as soon as the NRC issues the construction authorization for Yucca and after the DOE Secretary determines that there will not be recycling option available for that fuel within a reasonable period of time. According to the DOE schedule, the construction authorization will be issued in September 2011.

Senator Domenici's statement:

Congress in 2002 approved Yucca Mountain as the national repository for spent nuclear fuel. That decision has been made. But the project has encountered one delay after another. I consider Yucca Mountain the cornerstone of our nation's spent nuclear fuel strategy and I hope my bill gets this critical project back on track.

I have written a pragmatic bill that I think has a strong chance of passing the Senate in the next Congress. Unlike other proposals, my bill does not shorten the environmental process or the licensing process. I have also written a bill that integrates Yucca's vital role with the immediate need for interim storage and the longer-range GNEP program created to recycle spent nuclear fuel. I firmly believe Yucca, interim storage and GNEP are the three-prong solution to our spent fuel challenges. I look forward to the input of my colleagues, the nuclear community and the public between now and the 110th Congress.

Senator Craig's statement:

NU-WAY is the right way to clear the last hurdle before we embark on a vigorous resurgence of new nuclear power in this country. Senator Domenici's landmark approach balances the need for consolidation and preparation (CAP) of recyclable used commercial reactor fuel for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) with the safe interim storage of non-recyclable defense waste at Yucca Mountain, which provides the certainty that we need to proceed with the development of a fleet of new emission-free power reactors.

For the first time this country will have a comprehensive nuclear energy strategy. Nobody with serious intentions on reducing greenhouses gasses will be able to oppose this bill with a straight face. I intend to do all that I can make sure this bill is signed by the President at the earliest possible date.

The text of Domenici's floor speech introducing NU-WAY can be found on the website at:

The text of the bill can be found on the committee website at:

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