Norfolk Council Tells SPSA No to New York City Waste

Date: September 13, 2006

Source: News Room

In a political climate that is beginning to resemble the garbage barge of the 1980s, there is more talk of mutiny among Southeastern Public Service Authority's (SPSA) partners. Most recently, the City of Norfolk City Council decided to vote against SPSA plans to import out-of-state waste. Norfolk is just one of eight board members but is considered influential to the others since it produces 25% of the waste handled by SPSA. SPSA desperately needs a plan to extricate itself from $257 million in accumulated debt. Importing waste from New York would go a long way to that end and could produce estimated profits of $100 million over a decade. Otherwise, the burden will fall on SPSA's existing stakeholders and the taxpayers of its represented communities. Seeing the writing on the wall, the City of Chesapeake has sued to break its contract with the authority which otherwise does not end until 2018.

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For more information on Norfolk, visit:

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