Waste Industries USA Inc. Wins $174 Million 25-year Contract to Operate New Holly Springs Landfill in Wake County NC

Date: June 9, 2006

Source: Announcements

In what appears to have been a home-court advantage, Waste Industries USA, Inc. (www.waste-ind.com) beat the favored incumbent, Tennessee-based Santek Environmental (www.santekenviro.com), to win the contract to operate Wake County's new Holly Springs landfill. Even the landfill itself is controversial since the county wrestled through 12 years of lawsuits to decide on its expansion despite a compelling opposition from the community, including questions of environmental justice. The operating contract was surprising since county staff had already recommended Santek's lower bid of $164.5 million. However, Waste Industries executives stressed that the company has been hauling trash in Wake County since 1971, was responsible for most waste brought to the landfill, and would be nearby if any problems ever arose.

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