Waste-to-energy Plant Proposed

Date: May 28, 2006

Source: Company News

Mon Valley Power LLC wants to build a waste energy treatment facility in the Mon Valley to produce low-cost electrical power for industries there from waste products produced by municipalities and industries. This would include municipal garbage, and both solid and liquid waste produced by local industries and sanitary facilities. The firm moved a step closer to locating a site for the facility when the Allegheny County Redevelopment Authority approved serving as a conduit for a $100,000 special project grant from the federal government which Mon Valley will use to find a site. This is in addition to a $380,000 grant it received from the state Department of Environmental Protection to develop the technology. "We are considering the former Firth Sterling (mill) site in McKeesport and another site in Clairton," said Richard Pearson, manager of the Shadyside-based Mon Valley Power.

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