Washington Company Plans To Make Diesel From Landfill Waste

Date: April 28, 2006

Source: By Jeff Hershkowitz

Green Power Inc., a privately held company, is awaiting delivery of a mobile demonstration plant that they say will turn nearly all forms of solid or liquid waste into a ready to use form of diesel fuel, cleaner and purer than that available at the pump. The technology, for which GreenPower holds the patents, promises to transform all forms of waste (with the limitation of radioactive waste, porcelain, glass and metals) and refuse into diesel, without secondary pollution, at an efficiency rate of over ninety percent, and at an extremely low cost.

Michael Spitzauer, president and CEO of Green Power, says that they control all necessary patents, and the technology that will transform all forms of waste (with the limitation of radioactive waste, Porcelain, Glass and metals) and refuse into diesel, without secondary pollution, at an efficiency rate of over ninety percent, and at an extremely low cost. If proven, the technology may be a milestone on par with Pastuere, Bell, The Wright Brothers, Ford and Gates.

The demonstration plant is being shipped from Germany, where it was constructed. It will arrive in Seattle sometime next week and will be trucked to the City of Cheyenne, Wyoming, for its first demonstration to city and other government officials here in the US, which will be held in about three weeks. The exact date has yet to be determined, pending delivery and set up of the plant.

Green Power says that upon satisfactory demonstration, a full scale plant is to be built in the Cheyenne area. The full scale plant will be completely self contained, self propelled, and pollution-free. It will initially handle a minimum of 500 metric tons of new incoming and existing waste, while producing, among other things, sixty thousand gallons of clean diesel fuel in a twenty-four hour day. It is hoped that eventually, local restrictions on quantities of imported waste will be revised to allow a greater amount and area to be served.

Spitzauer says that all landfill material and other waste, including liquids can be consumed. Contaminated dirt, rocks, tires, animal carcasses, plant material, batteries, even appliances, will be consumed by the full scale version, thereby eliminating waste and a need for landfills altogether. Un-processable materials, such as rock, glass or metals are automatically sorted out and stocked in a pure state for resale. Even the mercury from batteries is sorted and collected for re-use. Contaminated soil is relieved of any toxins or chemicals and stocked as resalable fill. All other materials are ground into three millimeter size chunks. All water is removed and distilled into a pure state, then stored for re-use. All other liquids, including oils of all types, are mixed with the solids and a patented catalyst, then heated by specially designed turbines in a process called Catalytic Depolymerisation. In this process, the material is broken down and converted to fuel oil, which is distilled off and collected in storage tanks. The remaining material, very high in sulfur and other salts, is collected and sold as fertilizer. A key factor in the Depolymerisation process is that no greenhouse or other toxic gasses, including Dioxin, PCB, metal steam or coke, are created or emitted, due to the relatively low reaction temperatures involved. This is due to the patented catalyst, which allows the reaction temperatures to be maintained less than three hundred fifty degrees C, which is when these gases are formed. In addition, the cost of producing the fuel will be pennies on the dollar for conventional fuel.

"Municipalities will be able to turn virtually all their waste into resources and profit, eliminating the need for landfills, their cost and environmental consequences," says Spitzauer. "A ready market exists for the fuel from railroads, diesel fired power plants and other utilities, home heating and of course automobiles." It is also believed that this will be a satisfactory fuel for jet engines, among other things.

Spitzauer hopes to have fifteen hundred plants up and running in the US in five years, making enough fuel, combined with domestic sources of fossil fuels, to eliminate the country's dependence on foreign oil. If proved, the technology could stand the world on its ear, considering environmental, economic, and political dynamics, from local to global in scope. "The possible ramifications are staggering to consider," according to Green Power executives.

A liquid waste plant is up and running in Monterrey, Mexico. Two solid waste plants, larger than the mobile demonstration unit in transit, but smaller than the proposed Cheyenne plant, are up and running near Frankfurt, Germany.

Craig Whitehead, from the City of Cheyenne, says that upon satisfactory demonstration of the technology as predicted by Green Power, the city plans to build the first US plant. Venture capitol has also been promised by Allegiance Capital of Dallas, according to a letter received today by preliminary investors from Allegiance's Chairman and Founder, David J. Mahmood, to build the eighty-million dollar plant, as well as subsequent plants, subject to satisfactory demonstration of the technology. Qualified, interested parties are invited to attend.

Once the first plants are up and running, municipalities and large corporations with waste issues will be clamoring to get on board. The technology has been developed by Dr Christian Koch, a former chief scientist with Siemens Corporation. Spitzauer and Krabbe, long-term friends joined Koch and took over marketing and assisted in the development of the project. Green Power was born out of the project.

For more information contact: Michael Spitzauer, CEO of Green Power Inc. 888.244.3310 or Craig Whitehead, City of Cheyenne, Wy. 307.637.6279.

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