Norcal to Buy and Improve Recycling Facility in San Jose

Date: April 25, 2006

Source: Business Wire

Garbage and Recycling Company to Purchase Recycling Plant

Norcal Waste Systems, Inc. announced today the company has entered an agreement to purchase a recycling plant and associated facilities at 1675 Rogers Avenue in San Jose from Waste Management of San Jose.

Norcal collects garbage and recycling from 155,000 residential addresses in San Jose and transfers the recyclables it collects in San Jose to a subcontractor for sorting. By purchasing a recycling plant in San Jose, Norcal will be able to directly manage the sorting of commingled recyclables the company collects locally.

The purchase includes a recycling plant, a maintenance facility, office space and 3.85 acres of property. Norcal plans to upgrade the recycling systems inside the facility to ensure the most efficient and effective recycling system for San Jose.

The plant is located less than one mile from the office and equipment yard Norcal built in San Jose when the company was selected as the city's primary service provider for residential garbage and recycling service.

"Acquiring and upgrading a local recycling plant, like the modern fleet of collection trucks we operate, is another example of our commitment to provide the best recycling programs and customer service possible in San Jose," said Mark Arsenault, General Manager of Norcal Waste Systems of San Jose.

Norcal plans to upgrade the plant with new conveyer systems and modern sorting equipment. "This purchase and the planned improvements will play a significant role in advancing San Jose's recycling infrastructure," Arsenault said.

Norcal submitted responses on Monday to the City's request for proposal process to remain a primary service provider under San Jose's Recycle Plus Program.

"Residents give the program and our service very high ratings, and we are confident that a thorough and fair review will once again identify Norcal as the best service provider and recycler for San Jose," Arsenault said.

For more information, contact:
Norcal Waste Systems of San Jose, Inc.
Mark Arsenault

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