ERA Shortens Name to Electronic Recyclers; California's Largest Electronic Waste Company Undergoes Name Change to Reflect Growth

Date: March 22, 2006

Source: Business Wire

Electronic Recyclers of America announced today that it has formally changed its name to Electronic Recyclers. Electronic Recyclers is currently California's largest recycler of all electronic waste.

"In addition to our growing scope of capabilities," said John S. Shegerian, Electronic Recyclers' President and CEO, "we now have an international presence that cannot be ignored. With the work we are doing abroad, our business goes far beyond the U.S. We want our name to appropriately represent our geographic scope of operations."

Electronic Recyclers is the only electronic recycling facility in California that de-manufactures, recycles and crushes the cathode ray tubes found in computer monitors, televisions and other types of video equipment. Its revolutionary cathode ray tube crushers provide the capability of processing more than 1500 units per hour. Electronic Recyclers accepts computer monitors, televisions, AV equipment, outdated computers, peripherals, PDAs and RMAs, LCD monitors, LCD televisions, laptops, plasma screens, fax machines, copiers and other electronic items. All electronic components are 100% recycled and easily traceable with the use of ER's unique bar coded reports, which Electronic Recyclers provides, along with Certificates of Assured Destruction (COAD) that insure all materials are being disposed of properly and remove liability from customers.

The largest recycler of electronic waste in the State of California, Fresno-headquartered Electronic Recyclers is licensed to de-manufacture, recycle and crush the cathode ray tubes found in computer monitors, televisions and other types of video equipment. For more information about e-waste recycling and Electronic Recyclers, call 1-800-884-8466 or visit:

Electronic Recyclers Chrissy Coughlin, 559-974-4205

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