Louisiana Agrees To Reduce Katrina Waste Flow to Reopened Landfill

Date: February 24, 2006

Source: News Room

The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and the Louisiana Environmental Action Network have settled a lawsuit that the environmental group brought protesting the state's decision to reopen the Old Gentilly Landfill for C&D debris from Hurricane Katrina. Under the settlement, the state will limit daily dumping at the landfill to 5,000 cubic yards of waste, and will study the effects that the landfill could have on the nearby Intracoastal Waterway levee. A recent report commissioned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency suggested that the state could face liability if the site is later designated as an environmental hazard. However, plans are progressing to open a new landfill nearby on property adjacent to the Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Reserve; the location had previously been rejected as a landfill site.

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