Florida County Investigates Health Of Residents Near Old Landfill

Date: September 10, 2003

Source: News Room

The Broward County, Fla. Health Department is undertaking a new study to analyze the health of residents near the former Wingate Landfill in Fort Lauderdale. The Health Department is randomly calling residents with a phone survey, looking to question at least 3,000 people about their health to determine if there is any relationship between the landfill and health difficulties. High rates of cancer, birth defects, asthma, and bronchitis have been found in the area surrounding the former landfill in prior studies. Officials are seeking to compare rates of illnesses in the Wingate community during the time when an incinerator at the landfill was active, and in the years since it was removed in 1978.
More information: www.browardchd.org.

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