GM PCB Cleanup May Take An Additional Year

Date: October 10, 2002

Source: News Room

The decade-old cleanup of hazardous waste sites at the General Motors Corp. plant in Massena, N.Y. will probably take two more years to complete instead of one, the company has said. GM initially set its goals too high when it said the cleanup of polychlorinated biphenyl-laden soils and sediments in the plant's lagoons and landfills would be completed by the end of 2003, company officials said. The 12-acre GM industrial toxic waste site is part of the company's 270-acre industrial complex, bordered by the St. Lawrence River, the Raquette River and the St. Regis Mohawk reservation in northern New York. While the company made progress this summer excavating hazardous materials from its waste lagoon and the Raquette River, GM officials said they need the EPA to decide how the final phases of the project should be done.

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