Judge Extends Restraining Order on EPA Ombudsman

Date: April 4, 2002

Source: News Room

A federal judge has extended a temporary restraining order prohibiting the Bush administration from moving the office of the Environmental Protection Agency's hazardous waste ombudsman. U.S. District Judge Richard W. Roberts said he planned to issue a ruling in the ombudsman's case by the end of this week, when his temporary order is now slated to end. He lengthened the order by five business days and asked the Justice Department to provide him with more information about the EPA's proposal to set some limits on the ombudsman's ability to speak publicly. Ombudsman Robert Martin argues moving his office would weaken his independence within the agency and reduce him to answering a hot line. He says it is being done in retaliation for his criticism of EPA Administrator Christie Whitman's corporate ties in Superfund cases involving large-scale hazardous waste cleanups. More information: EPA Inspector General's office, www.epa.gov/oigearth.

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