EPA Proposes Recycling Plan Through Gasification

Date: March 21, 2002

Source: News Room

As part of an initiative to promote flexible, innovative ways to recycle more wastes while reducing the nation's reliance on fossil fuels, the EPA has proposed a shifting in manufacturing from waste management to productive recycling and resource conservation. The proposal would conserve natural resources by supplementing crude oil sources in electricity production, petroleum refining and chemical manufacturing. Specifically, the EPA is proposing to allow certain hazardous byproduct materials to be processed with gasification technology in order to produce a clean, safe source of power generation. This promotes increased energy efficiency while reducing the volume of hazardous waste that would otherwise be treated and disposed of on land. Gasification is a technology that puts coal and other carbon-containing materials under high temperature and pressure to convert them into purer synthetic gas. For further information go to: www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/index.htm.

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