American Ecology Reports 2001 Results

Date: February 21, 2002

Source: News Room

American Ecology Corporation (Nasdaq:ECOL) has announced that for the twelve months ending December 31, 2001, the company posted net income of $802,000, or $.03 per basic share, compared to net income of $4.7 million, or $.31 per basic share for the year ending December 31, 2000. Revenue for the year increased 33% to $56 million in 2001 from $42 million in 2000, principally driven by the company's successful acquisition of the Grand View, Idaho hazardous waste facility in February 2001. While fourth quarter 2001 financial results reflect significant improvement over the previous quarter, earnings were depressed by continued operating losses at the Company's Oak Ridge, Tennessee low-level radioactive waste processing facility. More information:

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