Perma-fix Wins Major Rocky Flats Treatment Contract

Date: December 27, 2001

Source: News Room

Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. (Nasdaq: PESI ) has won a $6.7 million multi- year contract by Kaiser-Hill Company, LLC for the transportation and treatment of aqueous wastes generated at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site in Golden, Colorado. The contract, which is estimated to be worth approximately $6.7 million, is to start immediately and is projected to continue through 2005. The nuclear industry generates large quantities of radioactive water that must be treated to remove radioactivity. Perma-Fix has developed and installed water treatment technologies at its facilities that can treat not only radioactive water but also radioactive water that is chemically hazardous. Kaiser-Hill Company, LLC, is the management and integration contractor operating the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site, which was once a significant portion of the DOE's nuclear weapons production complex. The DOE awarded Kaiser-Hill a first-of-its-kind closure contract in January 2000 to safely complete cleanup and closure of Rocky Flats by December 2006, for a cost of nearly $4 billion. The site mission includes special nuclear material management and shipment, nuclear deactivation and decommissioning, waste management and shipment, environmental cleanup and site closure. More information:

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