New Regenesis Product Promises Rapid Remediation

Date: December 13, 2001

Source: News Room

A new formulation called "Hydrogen Release Compound," or HRC, from Regenesis Bioremediation Products of San Clemente, Calif., is achieving extremely fast and economical remediation of groundwater pollution associated with dry cleaning operations, according to company reports. HRC is a proprietary in-situ bioremediation treatment that works by accelerating the natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents and their breakdown products in soil. When injected into contaminated aquifers, contact with water causes HRC to slowly release lactic acid. Naturally-occurring anaerobic microbes metabolize the lactic acid to produce hydrogen, which is used by other microbes to break down the chlorinated solvents. HRC is quiet, unobtrusive, and economical, usually costing 50 to 80 percent less than conventional, operation-intensive alternatives such as pump-and-treat, soil vapor extraction, and air sparging. More information:

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